Sunday, November 11, 2018

Towels in Pro Tennis: Zverev has an opinion, Towel Racks Milan

Zverev -Towel habits can be ridiculous

He is right.  It's all new and before long they'll add tying player's shoes to the ball boy duties.  It seem in some cases they are already set up to be used as verbal punching bags when a player needs to blame their own problems on someone else.

Here is another option.  How about just having a drone fly in after each point as needed?  The player could have a wrist controller or a button on their racket for ordering it up along with a banana, slice of pizza, or how about a shot of B-12.

But then again it wouldn't be long before a player smashed the drone with a racket for not coming or leaving fast enough.

Zverev has a good point.  Put some racks out and let them do it themselves.

Towel Racks Milan