Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Nasty Side of Tennis

The latest antics by Nasty might have taken the cake.  Nastase suspended.

When does tennis finally have enough.  Meanwhile we have younger versions of nasty coming up and they will know that whatever they do is okay as long as this kind a low rent behavior is allowed and continues.  

Nasty is really getting nasty and takes it to a new level
- is it gamesmanship

If that was his intent in the Fed cup matches he blew it.

I witnessed his poor behavior many years ago at two separate tournaments in the Maryland area.  In one case he abused a male player across the net in a match.  I won’t get into the details but suffice it to say that today he’d be tossed from the tournament for this as it touched on ethnicity.  The other time he verbally abused a female fan who was simply asking for an autograph and praised his play.  I was sitting right in front of him in the stands so I witnessed all the ugliness that got him his nickname.  On the court he was a nonstop clown if he was winning or a surly beast if he was losing.  It worked very often for him to frustrate and irritate an opponent.  They used to call it gamesmaship but now it is nothing but offensive.

This is all nothing new.  It is who he is an it is also why he is probably only able to remain in Tennis because he is a national hero in his country.  Beyond that, it is likely he’d be shunned.  After this last week it may be his undoing, or maybe not.  Tennis seems to allow for this as we see with some of the upcoming tennis stars that have yet to learn how to behave.  Considering how great a life they get to have as players it is something you would think they could manage to accomplish. Just act like decent human beings to one another. 

What is there to say.  He keeps earning his nickname.

Shriver on Nastase - He is probably out of coaching in formal settings.

The Hypocrisy Reaches Maximum on this latest Nasty Move.