Monday, August 20, 2018

Health Risks of Outdoor Sports: Lyme Disease and Tennis, Glyphosate

Lyme Risk

If you think of tennis you imagine how can there be risk of Lyme out there on the court.  Truthfully, probably very little but surrounding those courts you often have grassy areas or woods that can hide the menace of ticks.  Go out there to retrieve a ball and you might have just picked up the vector parasite that can infect you with a list of bacterial infections that can become severe health problems if not treated.

Advice:  When retrieving balls in the grass or woods always do an immediate tick check on your legs and clothes.  There are times and places where I won't even retrieve a ball knowing that the risk of picking up either a tick or a poison ivy rash outweigh the cost of a lost practice ball.  I suggest the same.

If you do find a tick and it is moving then you should be fine in just removing it.  If it has attached then move stringent measures are needed and rather than go into these here I suggest that you look online for further information.

It is quite serious so I suggest you consider the risk when retrieving balls and also if you find a tick attached and remove it.

Glyphosate exposure from treated areas near courts.

Whatever you do try to make sure you aren't around when they are spraying it so that you don't inhale the fumes or that you near it while it dries and evaporates.  Even tennis balls that end up in treated areas can be a source of exposure.  It's hard to say how dangerous the risk is but if you have a choice avoid exposure for your long term health.