Saturday, August 25, 2018

Money and Happiness - How it relates to Tennis

New Study from Sweden on Money and Life Satisfaction

I read the story and somehow think it tells me as much about Swedes as it does about lottery winners.  Here is my take on how money can improve life satisfaction.

Were I to win the lottery right now my primary concern would be to find the ideal place to live out my life on the tennis court.  I might take a few trips as I have done recently to scope out some nice tennis locations.  But of course much of what you need to know is out there on the web.

Rather, I'd look at likely places after reading about them and visit and maybe even stay a while or even a long while.  It's amazing what you can do when you have the time to do it and aren't fettered by work.

Find a place that supports your values and preferred lifestyle and for me that wouldn't be the fanciest or richest place to live but rather a place where I can do what I've always done and that is to enjoy tennis year round when possible with moderate competition and more importantly a place not barren of tennis courts and players. 

I've lived in places, not long usually, where there were either none or poorly maintained courts say for instance  the West Virginia Mountains.  It's just not generally part of the culture for a variety of reasons.  I'm sure there are a few resorts where you can enjoy it but not in general and there are many more places across the USA like that just like there are in the rest of the world.  Sure you can try to create it but it isn't easy and it has to become an obsession to actually get things started in  a place where none exists.

So look for  a place where life is easy and for me that includes courts.  But courts alone won't do it unless maybe you have a backboard too since if there are no or few players then you will be resigned to wall hitting or just self feeding drills and hitting serves unless you want to buy a battery powered ball machine.

So back to the original idea, I'd search around and find a place where I could get up in the morning knowing that a few hours of each day on the tennis court are on my schedule.  Later, maybe some golf or fishing might be nice, but the tennis is what I would want. 

Since you're reading this on a tennis blog then of course you can understand why this is my focus.  If you have something else more important to you then focus on that and where to live to enjoy that life.  It seems to me it's as simple as that.

Best luck on your journey, rich or not.