Saturday, January 26, 2019

Australian Open: Osaka Win - Reaction - Rise - Japanese Fans - Perspectives, Rafa vs Novak, Kei, Australia Day

Osaka Wins - Live

Osaka Win Reaction from Pros

Osaka Rise Seen after second win

Japanese Fans Celebrate Osaka

Perspectives on Osaka vs Kvitova Match

Tennis Podcast on Osaka Future

Nole vs Rafa Final at AO - Rivalry

Rafa vs Novak

Kei Looked like a ghost - a pundit blasts him but having seen some of the match I don't see the issue.  There is no way Kei would fake this and it happens to any competitor at some point.  I'm sure he was as disappointed as anyone might be having to quit.  Health concerns come first.

Australia Day and Pat Cash - Celebration