Sunday, January 27, 2019

Retirement - Tennis Teacher Style

Why Americans can't expect a comfortable retirement anymore

Think about how you will take care of yourself as your body ages from years of hard work on the court. 

Have enough savings that you can handle your minimal expenses.  Live inexpensively, and make sure your home is paid off while you have no debt. 

Tennis players as a group tend to be healthier but things happen as you age that have no bearing on how well you took care of yourself.  Make sure you're insured against catastrophic medical events and disability.  If your income is low enough you might be eligible for Medicaid and if not you might wait to fully retire when you turn 65 so that you'll have 80% of your medical expenses covered and you'll have to insure the rest.  If you're a Veteran see if you can use the VA medical system for your regular visits, care, and prescriptions. 

If you're healthy enough see if you can keep teaching at least a bit until you can no longer do so.  It can help you earn an income and also keep you socially involved.  Volunteer if you don't need the money.