Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Do We Need to Police Tennis Coaching?

 I like to think of elite coaches as World Class Chefs while others know how to run a fast food joint and put out the volume with palatable results that fill stomachs on the cheap. You need the spectrum. You even need so-called inferior coaches just as much as you need people with quirky personalities so you have a basis and reference points for judging the norm. If you have a norm in a skill set, then you can judge the superior ones and even the brilliant. Should we only allocate court time for players and teachers above a certain skill level? We need anyone willing to share the game with others, and even volunteers with limited skills and knowledge have a place just like parents coaching kids as volunteers. I had a former college player as a team coach once and I learned little from him while a music teacher volunteer turned out the be the one who got all the kids out to play, including me. I suggest that it's best to help other teachers move forward and not drive them out.


Landsorp on American Tennis Coaching