Monday, May 19, 2008

Drop Shots

A drop shot only has to be as good as the player you are trying to catch in the trap. How do you judge it? If your opponent never comes to net, make them. Drop the ball short, but more importantly low with under-spin and test their net game with a lob. This sequence can be repeated as often as it gains points. It will also force your opponent to play closer, thus allowing you to apply pressure with deep ground strokes.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

One-on-One Doubles

Try this for a great new aspect of the game of tennis. Play only half of the court width that includes the doubles alley. Serve as normal, return cross-court only and play only cross-court. This is a superb way to practice your doubles skills while playing with only one partner. The main idea is serve and volley only, though for less skilled players it is possible to play without that requirement.

Check out this video to view how it is played.

Also, here is a nice doubles blog site you might want to visit.