Sunday, October 31, 2021

Narcissus - I need to be more selfish

 Tsitsi says I need to be more selfish


I didn't mean to pick on Tsitsi but he comes up with some off-the-wall-stuff. I like his game but he needs to mature just like Novak did over time. If wanting to win is just being selfish then I think most every tennis player is guilty. I do remember that Jimmy Connors said that his friendship with Nastase prevented him from beating him for a while until he figured out that Nastase used it on him. You have to separate the individual on the other side from your purpose. Jack Kramer said that he temporarily hated his opponent on the other side of the net no matter who. Like the Mob said, it's just business, nothing personal. I like that Novak and Med can fight it out on the court yet retain a friendship and mutual respect. I hope it stays that way. They could all take a lesson from the Aussies of the '60s and '70s. I don't remember any bad blood among them or against other players they faced.  I'm sure there were some personality differences but most players back then were congenial and respectful of each other.


Friday, October 29, 2021

Dealing with Injuries as you age - Coaches, Tennis Players, Athletes

I'm fairly well beaten up with many injuries though few are tennis related but instead I carried them onto the court. The tennis injuries were from overuse rather than traumatic ones such as falls, crashes, and other unplanned violence. If you are escorted into your 50s already having a laundry list of problems it just intensifies and at least you have the mindset to cope with it though I will say that arthritis is the most mentally taxing so far. Your best bet is to find ways to manage the pain as you go along. 

 As for recovery, I've found with experience that strength training is the best answer to all of these. If my legs were out of use I'd focus on upper body strength by doing pushups, pull-ups, and curls or weight training. I'm stronger now in that area than I have been in decades out of necessity as arthritis takes away leg strength and flexibility. 

Back injuries are debilitating and the only answer I've found is endless focus on core building. It's always about consistency in doing the needed work. As an athlete, you at least have that as a long developed skill set. Those that had fewer injuries of course are more mentally bothered by later debilitating problems. It's all about expectations. If you are just happy to be alive, breathing, and in not too much pain I'd say a little injury and recovery routine is just another speed bump.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Roscoe Tanner Serve Method

I studied Tanner's serve in the '70s because at the time he had the ultimate serve. To this day his serve still stands as one of the cleanest and simplest, and thus very reliable and effective. He could probably put serves into the service box with his eyes closed. An extra benefit of his shorter and simplified motion was that it never broke down in difficult conditions since the toss was less vulnerable to wind movement and also gave him an edge when serving into the sun thanks to a lower more efficient toss. What I learned back then is echoed in his words now. Toss to the highest point of your extension, strike it at the apex before it begins to fall, and coordinate your motion so that it's continuous making it a very fast delivery often mesmerizing an opponent used to long rhythmical motions. The net effect is not only more velocity on the ball but a much shorter interval between the beginning and the end of the motion. His opponents always felt rushed when he was serving.

 In his own words at



Sunday, October 17, 2021

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Cam seeks to beat Novak Record - enjoy

 Cam Norrie

I think of all of those undefeated winners in tennis leagues worldwide.  Should they claim a superior record as well.   Things are getting ridiculous.

Novak the Unloved by many but his fans

 I became a Novak fan in 2011 after seeing him play at the US Open. His style may not please you and his mannerisms and missteps might not either, but you cannot deny his success. He grew on me over time.

 Novak - people who follow him understand

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Inflammation fighting foods


AO to Mandate VAX. Has Novak been innoculated?

 No Play Mandate at AO




Has Novak had the Vax? 

It is an interesting idea to consider that he may have gotten a vax or as someone else pointed out that at the financial level any of the tennis players are they could get a placebo just to satisfy the documents, especially if they've had Covid.

 Next, we'll be hearing about antibody tests.

 Also, does the Sputnik or China Vax count?   I bet the Western Countries will side with Big Pharma on that.