Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How to Eat for Tennis

Eat before 7pm to avoid heart attacks and strokes
Add to this idea not eating again for at least 12 hours.

Hot pepper food has risks.
I stay away from this altogether.  Any food with the word death in it leaves me cold, not hot.  I won't touch it.

Here is a comparison between the Nutribullet and others.
I use the Nutribullet to eat my salads.  A cucumber, spinach, and some whey or soy protein with water and whatever else you want to drop in for taste and nutrients.

Paleo Diet - Can it reduce heart disease.
There are some similarities to this and the Mediterranean diet so if that suits you then maybe it is the best compromise.

100+ village lives on Mediterranean diet.  They are in the Mediterranean so that helps.
This seems like the ideal diet for health in general but may be appropriate for those that want to participate in sports since it has a good measure of fruits, vegetables, and is light on meats other than fish.  It looks as if dairy is limited as well.

Broccoli the superfood for health

Monday, August 29, 2016

Diet better than Statins: New study

New study results on the Mediterranean  diet vs the MED-statin diet.

The side effects of drugs like statins are often downplayed.  This is why many of use have chose diet and some supplements like fish oil to help keep heart disease risk down, but as we've been told often genetics play a major part in results no matter what you do.  I take this approach to at least improve my odds.  

Also, it seems the twofer of anti-inflammatory properties of Omega 3 oils helps with arthritis and pain.  I had doctors actually recommend fish oil for joint pain.  Other possible benefits include better moods and brain function.  Whatever the case, if it does no hard it might be worth a look.  It can always be approached incrementally.

Why post this on tennislifer?  Because anything you can do for your health is a net positive and adding to your ability to continue to play tennis through joint pain management as well as cardio risk reduction is a powerful reason to make life changes.  It's easier than you think.

As always:  Consult your doctor before changing your diet or meds.  This commentary is for informational purposes only.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Can Tennis Slow Aging?

Endurance Exercise may slow aging
So make tennis your endurance sport.  That's easy enough.  Hit against the wall, or play singles if your legs, hips, and back can take it.  If not, make doubles your version of a round of 8 in Golf, though I'd guess that the tennis is much more of a physical challenge than golf.  That said, I tried golf again recently and found that though I have learned to accommodate tennis my back does not like golf at all so except for putt putt golf I'll stick to the doubles court.

Another thing to remember is that the surface can make it easier on your body in terms of impact while allowing you to increase your endurance demands by playing longer.  Additionally, new research tells us that just being in the heat is a form of conditioning and a few hours in a clay court playing doubles might be a good endurance challenge.

Disclaimer:  As always, consult your physician if you have health issues that might put you at risk in the sun or just performing strenuous activity.  One great thing about a doubles game is that you can calibrate your play level by choosing your opponents and partners and ratcheting down your activity level accordingly.  Just focus on skills and strategy and leave the acrobatics to the ones still willing and able to do so.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Exercise: Sitting too much is very bad for your health

New Study says sitting for prolonged periods is a serious health risk.

This is nothing new.  Any office worker or person that spends more time in the prone or sitting position is a guarantee for many health problems.

Get up, get out, and get moving.

If you want a good way to accomplish that with some fun try taking up tennis.  At any level you can get great exercise that uses almost all of the body, but especially the legs which are the pumps for your circulation.

$20 for a good used racket and a can of balls and you can get started rather than $50 a month at a health club where you have to get your workout on a treadmill or some other machinery.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Nitric Storm and other supplements

An ESPN article regarding Federer and Djokovic using these supplements relates that they may be banned soon.  First off, the article looks like an ad so I wonder.  Am I just passing and posting an ad.  If so, be warned that I did this to ask some questions.  Agassi proved one can play tennis even while zonked on chemicals that have no benefit to performance, at least according to his book.  If anything, he reduced his performance by his actions.

If so, at least it does supply some information that if true may help some people and players that may not be facing testing to get their weight under control and improve performance.

As for the professionals, I can only say that if the substance in these supplements proves to have no negative effects but helps performance I wonder how far down the road we have to go in banning things.

For instance, when I need to focus on writing or getting something done that requires intense concentration it helps to have a cup of coffee nearby.  By some of these rules writers may be eventually castigated for resorting to such chemical stimulations to keep things moving.  And where would the actor be without the belt they used to take before taking stage, not that they do that anymore since they take pills for that now I suppose.

Pilots used to take stimulants in the military though I don't know the rules on that now.  I have to guess that under battle conditions worrying about anything but full concentration and staying awake takes precedence over long term or even short term health.  They never worried much about the people in the service for the long term, so if they do now, well it is probably based on a cost analysis of VA benefits paid out.

So if it turns out that eating Brussels sprouts grown in Belgium with special soil from Europe gives you an edge will they move against that too.  Where this will all end who knows, but I have to say that for Roger in particular I believe that he wouldn't do anything that had negative health effects just to keep earning.  There, my bias for him is exposed but he seems so squeaky clean that I find it hard to imagine that he would do anything outside of the boundaries of what is considered the rules.

As for Novak, I know he tweaked his diet but I can''t see him in that light either.  He is almost scientific in his approach to health and performance so I have to imagine he wouldn't take health risks either.

I'll be interested in seeing the finding on this.  Dieters are the most likely regular users of this rather than athletes.  It seems unlikely that it could be worse than over the counter diet pills.  As for muscle mass and endurance, unless it is about making huge amounts of money in professional play why bother.

In the end isn't that what this is all about.  The rule makers will decide, but weren't they the same ones that prevented Laver and Kramer and a host of others from playing in the majors for some arbitrary idea that amateurs were a better breed than professionals who dared play for money.

Thankfully that is long gone.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Diet can improve performance and extend your life and health - get thinner.

Here is a great article on inverting the food pyramid.

Dr. Merkola get thinner.

After all of those decades of low fat high carb diets now the facts are out and the damage to health caused by this government intrusion has proven again not to follow the advice of industry controlled governmental types.

Healthy fat, safe protein, and plant carbs seem to be his recommendation.  Grains and sugars come last.