Sunday, April 30, 2017

Coffee Benefits

Caffeinated Coffee is Good For Your Prostate

Wow, if this is true then here is the excuse you need for coffee consumption.  I now plan not to reduced my coffee intake.

Most studies seem to indicate that coffee isn't bad for you anyway so if you like it why not keep drinking it.

It may even  help your tennis.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Forget Cholesterol: Good Food and Exercise Makes for Good Health

New Study argues against low fat diets

High Sodium linked with low blood pressure - What?

This confirms what experience tells us from watching people live into their 80's that never worried about fancy diets and got exercise by working in the yard, taking walks, and playing some tennis or other activities.  Often the radical diets of today that are supposed to make you live longer prove to be dangerous.  As an example.

Margarine is now thought to be worse than butter.

Carb loading diets were pushed by studies for decades but created insulin resistance.

Low fat diets were also a big thing with the same problem, insulin resistance.

Now low carb diets are the thing, so now we may have kidney problems from too much protein.

Now we have paleo diets, and these are surprisingly similar to the low carb high fat diet that has been around under other names for almost 50 years.

The mediterranean diet seems to make the most sense because it is a diet that arrived naturally and proves to promote health based on lifespans and overall quality of life issues.

Live life and eat sensibly.  Watch the alcohol intake and stay away from lots of sugar if for no other reason than to save your teeth.  You'll feel better and probably experience better health overall.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Nasty Side of Tennis

The latest antics by Nasty might have taken the cake.  Nastase suspended.

When does tennis finally have enough.  Meanwhile we have younger versions of nasty coming up and they will know that whatever they do is okay as long as this kind a low rent behavior is allowed and continues.  

Nasty is really getting nasty and takes it to a new level
- is it gamesmanship

If that was his intent in the Fed cup matches he blew it.

I witnessed his poor behavior many years ago at two separate tournaments in the Maryland area.  In one case he abused a male player across the net in a match.  I won’t get into the details but suffice it to say that today he’d be tossed from the tournament for this as it touched on ethnicity.  The other time he verbally abused a female fan who was simply asking for an autograph and praised his play.  I was sitting right in front of him in the stands so I witnessed all the ugliness that got him his nickname.  On the court he was a nonstop clown if he was winning or a surly beast if he was losing.  It worked very often for him to frustrate and irritate an opponent.  They used to call it gamesmaship but now it is nothing but offensive.

This is all nothing new.  It is who he is an it is also why he is probably only able to remain in Tennis because he is a national hero in his country.  Beyond that, it is likely he’d be shunned.  After this last week it may be his undoing, or maybe not.  Tennis seems to allow for this as we see with some of the upcoming tennis stars that have yet to learn how to behave.  Considering how great a life they get to have as players it is something you would think they could manage to accomplish. Just act like decent human beings to one another. 

What is there to say.  He keeps earning his nickname.

Shriver on Nastase - He is probably out of coaching in formal settings.

The Hypocrisy Reaches Maximum on this latest Nasty Move.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Free Tennis Book Promotion April 25 - 29, 2017 : Racket Drills for Tennis

Get your Free Copy if you want to have some fun with your racket while improving your skills.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Free Hitting Sessions - Video and ideas

Free Hitting

This is a good video.  I agree that free hitting can be used as a training tool if you focus on specific fixes such as timing, footwork, and stroke pattern.

I always preferred to go through a warm-up that included short balls and face to face volleys as part of this type of training.  By doing that you can improve and sharpen every area of your game.  Think of it as a pre-match warm-up with a training purpose.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Dallas Financial Problems Raised Fear About Closing Tennis Courts

Dallas Tennis Courts Closing?

Fortunately, tennis is not a big loser on the Dallas budget so it appears for now the centers stay.

Tennis players are trying to keep them open but if you notice, tennis is one of the first things to take the hit when times are hard.  Colleges are dropping tennis teams regularly and soon only the top tier will have them.  The rest have gone to tennis clubs instead putting them on par with fencing and other less financially beneficial sports for schools.

Tennis News: Davis Cup - Big Names Missing, Federer and Gates for Charity,

Davis Cup "Gold Cup of Tennis"  

They should describe it as players that have the time since they aren't in the top tier.

 World Cup of Tennis

Federer and Gates for Charity

Monday, April 10, 2017

Tennis Injuries and Other Health Problems: Get a Second Opinion

Second Opinions yield a different diagnosis 88% of the time

This should give all of us pause especially when facing a surgery or extensive treatment.  Even getting prescriptions takes on a new perspective when you realize that the medication may be for the wrong diagnosis.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Tennis Pro Retirement News: Boosting your income, Boomers, Millennials, Are you Ready, Flawed Advice, and Why 70 is the New 65

Boosting your income in retirement - 8 tips

These are sound and some work best when delayed as long as possible before taking the income.  Starting your own business makes sense and if you're a teaching pro then just keep teaching but consider it in a different context than before.  Don't push yourself as hard and consider doing more things such as groups that need less physical effort than private playing lessons.

Baby Boomers Retirement income

Millennials in Retirement - money lessons

Retirement is Coming - are you ready?

If you are closing in on retirement then you need to consider any ideas that can help you do it successfully.

Tackling Retirement 3 questions and some answers

Flawed Advice Can Doom Your Retirement

Inflation can ruin your retirement - the silent killer

Why 70 is the new 65 for retirement

The Australian Plan - Unfortunately you'll have to do it on your own if you aren't in Australia.

It is befitting a tennis page that probably one of the best ideas for a tennis pro to plan for retirement is to set aside 12% or more of their income over the course of their working years like the Australians do.  With diversified investment a large amount can be created to convert into an annuity.

Retiring at 52 - 10 surprising things he learned

These ring true since I have retired a number of times.  If you are a tennis teacher and work less than  20 hours per week you're retired at least for the time being.  There is nothing wrong with that and more importantly it may be the thing that allows you to keep teaching for a lifetime, making you a tennis lifer.

Finding Your Retirement Age

If you're a tennis teacher half of these don't apply.  How is your job should be - I love it.  Also, if you consider boredom, I know of no good tennis teachers that become bored with the job.  Health is the one area that may slow you down.  Arthritis is a big problem for most lifetime athletes along with back injuries and joint problems.  If you have any of these, well this has to factor into your calculations.

Never Retire

Many people have given up on the idea.  Tennis pros have a unique advantage in that their job is an avocation.  It is something they love.  Keep doing it.

Talking to Your Dog and Talking to Your Racket - Sign of Intelligence

Talking to your dog

Giving objects, pets, and non-intelligent living things the time of day by speaking to them supposedly means you are human and maybe intelligent.

Regardless - I have spoken to my racket or strings many times over the years so I guess that should make me feel good about myself.  How about you?  I find it is easier to blame the object rather than myself.  I even find myself telling Siri on my Iphone she's not so good at things sometimes.  Sadly, she responds back with "that's your opinion."

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Natural Oils

Natural Oils slideshow

As a tennis player blisters and foot infections come along very often and this is one other tool in your arsenal for foot health.

I am very familiar with tea tree oil since it is used worldwide for treating infections.  I have found it a good item to have on the shelf for skin irritations and foot problems.

The best deal I have found on tea tree oil is a Trader Joe's.  You can find it online as well but usually for twice the price as Traders.

Sinus Problems and Depression Link

Tennis players can suffer from this like anyone else.  Actually, if you play on indoor clay it is something I have experienced.  The dust bothers me.  Outdoors on dry courts on a breezy or windy day you can get a snootful of dust.  Whatever is in the dust can enter your sinuses and cause you problems.

Air Filters at home are a good option to help limit your dust and allergen intake.  

Dust masks from 3M work well when you are in the attic or a shed moving around old things in places that don't get cleaned ever.

Think of dust intake as your enemy and limit your exposure whenever possible and you may find some relief from sinus issues.  That is my experience.

Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional so this is only a description of my personal experience with sinus issues that so far has worked to limit my problems.  Fortunately for me it has never bothered me to the extent of impacting my moods.  I know many others suffer much more serious sinus issues and in those cases see a doctor and follow their advice.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Longevity in Sports

Tom Brady Example

Genetics or environment or in this case lifestyle. According to Brady it is his trainer and masseuse.  I always listen to the athlete rather than the pundits so I'll add this.  His whole lifestyle that includes a special trainer and masseuse combine to make him a standout.

Federer has a similar intelligent approach that is aided by his playing style that is clearly low maintenance on the body versus say the physical game of Nadal.

If you want longevity work towards fewer injuries by not overtraining and also by choosing a lifestyle that includes rest, sleep, diet, and psychological balance.  It appears both Brady and Federer follow this approach and it works for them.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Federer Wins Miami - He credits rest

What is there to say but that we have a phenomenon in play where a supposedly over the hill athlete that had been written off by tennis analysts many times is still contending for the top tier of tennis.  His win in Australia and now in Miami says that he is in top form and if he continues as he is with disciplined use of his energy and time to avoid overplaying he may continue this streak.

This performance is a great example of what getting a rest and limiting play can do for you.  Overplaying is one of the worst things that a tennis player can do to reduced their performance and long term viability by risking injuries.