Thursday, June 30, 2022

3 of top 10 men at Wimbledon out with Covid


Novak at Wimbledon - The interview and the outing of the Tennis Media

The article is almost unreadable but it does give insight into the mind of how the tennis intelligentsia views Novak, as quixotic and arrogant to dare decide what is best for his health. The narrative that he violated the rules in Australia runs against the knowledge that others received exemptions according to the same media that claim he had a choice.  

Djokovic’s vaccine stance is nonsensical, but it’s still hard not to empathize

They just can't leave it alone. He seems ready to move on and just play tennis where he is allowed to play. The USA is one of the last countries with vax mandates for visitors while Britain dropped that requirement.


Saturday, June 25, 2022

How to handle Non Employee Coaches using your club

I had a fellow Pro ask me about someone teaching in the club where they have an exclusive contract.  Here are my thoughts.

LIABILITY: Others have mentioned this first, but I will reiterate the point.  

My first thought was the liability issue. Most operations such as fitness clubs, shooting ranges, or pools have policies for club membership that stipulate against outside instructors unless they are hired or given a contract to operate there. (If your club won't handle this, since you have an exclusivity contract, I'd point out that aside from taking away from revenue to the club in the form of fees, it presents a major risk that an insurance company may not cover 

 Most organizations want certifications to prove competence and knowledge about risk management.) I'd present it that way to your club owners. An example of some risks include permanent injuries like a ball hit detaching a retina, or how about the big one nowadays, various forms of abuse. I wouldn't let someone coach in my club as a freelancer/contractor without insurance including adding the club as additional insured on the policy, teaching qualifications, and a structured fee agreement.

 In your case, if court time is limited, it will over-time directly reduce your income. Let them do their sideline coaching on public courts, or volunteer to help out at schools or the county. If they are really good and you need the help, you might bring them in to assist in clinics so that you can manage their activities.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Rod Laver - Goat Herd Leader

Goat Herd Elder Statesman, might be the best title for Laver.  His record stands alone for men's tennis, with two CYGSlams (Calendar Year Grand Slams).  If all we do is count slam totals, we ignore all the other statistics.

Many tennis watchers say that Laver would never be able to hold up against the current talent like Rafa and Novak.   I disagree.

It's impossible to make valid direct comparisons because players from the past conformed their methods to the conditions present at the time. Applying current standards against the past is a common cognitive bias. 

Why Did Novak Lose to Rafa at the French Open in 2022

 “There are known knowns, things we know that we know; and there are known unknowns, things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns, things we do not know we don't know.”

― Donald Rumsfeld, Known and Unknown 

 In this case, we have a combination of all three in play.   

We know Novak was knocked off stride by the AO debacle and that Rafa is near impossible to beat on clay.

We don't know the issues that caused the splitting with his longtime coach and we don't know the extent of Rafa's injuries, only what we've been told.

The Unkown Unknowns are the reasons Novak played as he did, since he may not even know them.  And the same goes for how Rafa can play with pain injections and seem normal in movement because we don't even know if Rafa is human to be able to do that if what we have been told about his injury is accurate.

It seems that most of this situation consists of things that we don't know and and those we don't even know we don't know.

Pain Treatments for Professional Play versus Amateurs

When it comes to professional sports, money often comes into the decision-making along with the short-term benefit of scheduled competition. Should there be a line drawn on pain treatments to be able to play competitive tennis along with a different standard for professionals versus amateurs? As a coach, would you leave it up to the player without an opinion on it?  

The doctors call it pain management. I've lived with modalities and meds for joint pains and injuries for a long time. Old age or overuse has a plan for almost all of us, especially tennis coaches when it comes to wear and tear.

Should there be a line drawn on pain treatments to be able to play competitive tennis? As a coach, would you leave it up to the player without an opinion on it? Should it be a different standard for professionals versus amateurs?   Should the standard of other sports apply to tennis?   Consider these questions so that when you as a coach or player face this situation, you'll already have an opinion.

Court Safety - personal risk from threats - How to Cope

Unfortunately, being on a court is like being in a cage. I like courts with two exits or more. I've had mean and crazy dogs show up on the court. Choose the place you play or teach carefully for the social environment. Don't make enemies with locals and resolve disputes as peacefully as possible. Maybe they'll offer Kevlar racket bags soon. Finally, use situational awareness to see it coming. If your eyes and ears tell you something, believe it, meaning skedaddle.

Wimbledon ATP Point Removal - Unfair to other players - Targeted to Novak

 This will penalize Novak and anyone well situated to win matches at Wimbledon.

This article accurately describes it to anyone with eyes and an open mind.   

The Scoop on the story from Scoop Malinowski

Monday, June 6, 2022

Big Three Statistical Comparison as of June 6, 2022


Tennis Coaching Certification

Competitive records and teaching experience were preferred credentials in the past and if you were an ATP or WTA player, that's your certification. The main benefits of certification in the USA are liability insurance and more recently, additional options for learning while requiring certification is a great way to limit competition. Employers like colleges sometimes require certification as proof of your qualification for employment since their business is credentialism. The certifying organizations added more complexity to increase revenue as the industry matures.

Goran on Novak at RG 2022. - Body Language

 Goran on RG 2022 and Wimbledon Preparation

This is an interesting interview with Goran. He gives an honest explanation of what he feels went wrong for Novak at RG and what Rafa did right. 

 Body Language - It sends your opponent a message as well as the crowd. Can it lower your own performance? It's hard to hide your energy level which is a big part of body language but slumped shoulders, a tentative walk, and searching eyes also send out signals both to yourself and your opponent. Here is Goran's take on the RG 2022 final between Nole and Rafa. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

Tennis Farce - Wimbledon Points

 More posing from the Tennis Leadership on both sides.  First Wimbledon poses with its Russian player ban and then the ATP poses with a Faux penalty against Wimbledon for doing that.   

Tennis Farce