Sunday, August 23, 2020

Consistency in Effort Matters

 Become so good that they can't ignore you

 I like the concepts pointed out in the article linked above.   The idea is to keep working at it and eventually just through sheer volume of creation and outcome of effort that you will have to produce something exceptional.  Your skills will improve and your voice will be heard.

 If you apply this to being a tennis coach then study, train, and keep learning while sharing your ideas.

 If you apply this to becoming a better player the object is to make a systematic effort at improvement.  I usually find the best way to do this is to focus on one thing and perfect it or work towards improvement.



Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Philosophy in Training

 Wabi-Sabi -  Perfect Imperfection

The Right Way to Strive  

Rather than focus on the final outcome maybe think of your training process as the end in itself.

How you approach training may allow you to become consistent in your effort which over time will often give you the most gains.  Rather than intensity, often it's the regular and consistent spaced repetition that will insure the best results.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Building Muscle - How long does it take

 It takes time and much more than most people are willing to wait for results.

 How long Does it Take

My Perspective:

The main rules are to be patient and consistent and focus on an area at least at first.

I learned this by gaining more core strength but not actually attaining it through the standard approach.   I was doing curls with my back braced against a wall and sitting on the floor.   This exercise was to strengthen my arms to prevent injury.   As I progressed on this I began to notice that not only were my arm muscles getting larger and stronger but that my stomach muscles had started showing signs of definition that I hadn't seen in decades.   I kept at it and added other items like a medicine ball to work the same magic.   


 My own experience with this suggests that the weight lifters and body builders really know the answers when it comes to adding muscle.   I started taking protein supplements in conjunction with weight training and began to see a rapid visual improvement in my tone and muscle size in my arms  and upper body which is where I had focused my effort. 

All of these things are just my own experience so not being an expert on this subject I suggest that you do your own research.   All I've done iis to tell you where you might begin your research.  

 This post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute advice on how to train for strength or muscle enhancement.   Do you own research please.