Friday, February 21, 2020

Pareto Priciple Applies to Tennis: Is coaching from the stands fair?

The Pareto principle, 80/20 rule. The top twenty percent. no matter how they get there through a combination of talent, coaching, and financial support will likely garner eighty percent of the revenue/resources.

To achieve your highest level of play you can balance where you spend the resources or bootstrap your way into the to twenty percent with sweat equity meaning discipline and practice.  Beyond that, to keep things going you need to acquire as many resources to support a sustained effort to remaining at the top.

 New WTA now allows coaching from the stands - is it fair?

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Health: Coffee, Good or Bad

Boon for Civilization with Costs

It's part of life now for many of us.  Considering the benefits we can work on removing the negative costs.

This message is powered by coffee.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Thiem Made his Move - Novak held firm

Thiem made his move

Over time it looks as if Thiem will move into the Big 3 as one or more retires.   He just has to have faith but he'll have to contend with Novak for a while yet.

Novak Djokovic - committed fans - The Searcher

If you listen to the international tennis media you'd think the Novak has a big problem with popularity among tennis fans.  It may be true that the love fans hold for Fed and Rafa are a big part of the current tennis aura in Sports but the most dominant men's singles player of the decade is Novak Djokovic.  The numbers are clear.  So what is Novak to do other than to keep playing as he does and wait until on or both of his rivals retire and see what happens then?

Here is an article that describes some of the problems Novak faces accurately and yet you can still detect by the tone of some of the statements that in the end his mistreatment is deserved.  As a Novak fan, you'll find that you have some harsh treatment ahead of you but fortunately, you have a favorite who returns the love.  Novak more than any tennis star takes time to show his appreciation of tennis fans.

In the end, we'll probably have to accept that some players will always find more popularity than their performance would seemingly deserve but this is the fickle world of fandom.  Pick your favorite and cheer but please be kind to the fans of your favorite's rivals.

Melbourne's Heartbreaking Reaction to Novak Djokovic's win at the Australian Open

Yet for all of that, there is the man who has achieved what few will ever accomplish both in sports and financially.   Here is the side of Novak that recognizes his past and explains how he lives. 

This is a great article.

Novak Djokovic - The Searcher

Sunday, February 2, 2020