Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Shoulder Injuries in Tennis from Serving

I've been there: total dislocation (not from tennis). Work on your volleys and return of serve. Experiment with a non-dominant arm slice and kick serve. A year from now you might have that option in your tool-kit. Just thoughts. Good luck.

Friday, March 12, 2021

Anti-fragile Tennis

 Novak is the best example of anti-fragility in tennis. He actually becomes stronger and more effective when under stress. His response to injuries proves this. Mental strength supported by faith and purpose may be the key elements in his ability to prevail over challenges.

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Problem Students for Tennis Teachers

 I had a number of them too over the decades. Many of the parents are delusional about the problem. I had to remove a few from class over the years as well, usually when they became a physical safety problem. A few stand out and one in particular. In a group, I had three kids with the same first name and I didn't want to use last names or both names so I made it fun and said Johnny1, Johnny2, Johnny3. I guess I should have tried JohnnyC, L, or M by adding their last names. Johnny 2 screamed that he didn't want to be a 2 and his threats started from the first day. He also wanted his name pronounced in full like Maximillion rather than Max and I don't like going with 3 or 4 syllable names that you have to say repeatedly. I ended up saying Hey and pointing at each one. I kept thinking "future stalker or worse" and I'm waiting to read about it. The level of neurosis out there is worrisome for the future. My hope is that sports can help moderate it in all of them.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Novak Training to Excel into Next Chapter of Dominance

 How Novak Trains

This will make #Novak more resistant to the ravages of age. He's adjusting strategy again as he always has when circumstances change and this is how he got to where he is right now. Simple and sublime.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Novak Djokovic equals Roger Federer at 310 weeks at #1 - Historic Tennis Achievement

Congratulations to Novak for the amazing feat.  Seeing these records fall gives Tennis Fans great pleasure knowing that we are in a Golden Age of Tennis. It helps that he is a great ambassador for the sport as well.