Monday, August 26, 2019

Smartphones are reason new players can't beat Fed


The inability to focus and the addiction to such a distraction may be part of it but in the end it comes down to talent.  They don't have it and if they do their heads aren't up to the task which has been around a long time.  The latest example is NK. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Polypill for heart attack and stroke prevention

Poly Pill

This is a great concept for those facing heart attack and stroke risk especially if they have some underlying issues like high blood pressure and cholesterol worries.

Of course it will take much longer to have access to anything here in the USA but it is great to hear that international efforts at doing this are in progress.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Osaka - Lost her love of Tennis?

No fun since the Australian win

She needs to learn to step away from the fanfare and just get back to loving the game.    Ignore the media and find a way to not care.  Maybe she should spend some time with Fed so she can learn his secret of loving the game.

Fasting Cure - Regaining and Protecting Your Health

The Fasting Cure is No Fad

Read the article and you'll find a compilation of what recent research has confirmed and that is that your body needs rest from eating too, and not just exercise. 

This is a high value approach to maintaining your overall health.