Thursday, October 31, 2019

Health: Alzheimer's Risk can be Reduced

A plan

Diet and exercise are the most obvious anyway so only the specifics of this article should be the focus. 

Fish oil, healthy fats, reduced blood sugar, and more exercise seem to be key. 

Doubles: Body Shots in Tennis during Net Play

Aiming for the body can be a legitimate target to force an error and not to necessarily hit your opponent.  It's usually their choice to turn and submit, face it,  or bail out and exit the court. I had a high school coach who was a college player at one time tell me to aim for the hip on the left, meaning actually the right hip which would always cause a difficult forehand volley response. 

Think of Safety and Drawing Errors

I never aimed high as in head shots or high chest. Generally you were trying to draw errors to either win the point outright or set up the next shot. I've told opponents more than once that if you can't handle the net you shouldn't be there. Of course if I were playing social doubles rather than some competitive match I'd generally just take it easy on them and come up with an alternative. 

A Generally Safe Approach

One thing I always counseled students to do is aim for the feet no matter where your opponent is on the court and you'll improve your chances of defending your position and it's a fair and safe way to be aggressive. That assumes you are in a position to reach their feet. If they're close to the net then that situation doesn't exist, but then a lob is easier to employ. This also may be because I've softened in my old age and don't want to hurt anyone.   

Why Go for the Feet 

A simple reason to go for the feet is that you will be driving the ball down and your opponent will be forced to angle the ball upward.  If you close on the net in this circumstance you'll often have a finishing shot available.

Tennis Teaching Certifications: Do they matter?

Yes they do but here is something to remember when it comes to getting someone into tennis.  Patience and a good demeanor in a beginning tennis coach goes a lot farther than a hard case high demand coaching approach.  Leave them with fun as the main memory from tennis classes.

Regarding Tennis Teaching Organizations and Certifications

They have raised training and skills standards over the decades to address any deficiencies in coaching that may exist. Consider the alternative where there is no certification available other than just high end coaching skills from elite organizations and you have no room for expanding the tennis community by offering coaches that can serve the recreational beginning tennis market. I remember as a kid at age 7 or earlier taking my first lessons from a county instructor who was a high school student. It was the only tennis instruction available back in the early 1960's where I lived and the cost was $5 for a series. This instructor got me started with nothing more than hitting with me and some basic advice and yet I remember him as a superb example of what I would like for a coach to get me into the sport. I'd love to thank him for getting me started. He had no certifications that I remember.

My Experience with the PTR

I think that the PTR does care about improvements to tennis teaching and qualifications. I've had many years of interactions with their members, trainers, and staff. I joined them a few years after they began the organization and took the TennisUniversity from Dennis Van Der Meer. To me, it's a superb organization. They have raised training and skills standards over the decades to address any deficiencies in coaching that may exist. Consider the alternative where there is no certification available other than just high end coaching skills from elite organizations and you have no room for expanding the tennis community by offering coaches that can serve the recreational beginning tennis market.

Retirement: Rest or Rust - Tennis may be the solution for both

Rest and Rust

The trick is to stay viable by doing things that keep you mentally and physically active.  Tennis has to be one of the best ways to stave off decline in both the physical and mental realm.  It offers protection from social Isolation along with physical activity and mental stimulation.

Stay on the court.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Tennis News: Fed Beats Mr.T in Basel, Fed Beats ADM in Basel for WIn

Fed Beats Mr. T

Fed Beats ADM  to win Basel

Murray Risks Severe Health Problems Says Physician - Cobalt Blood Poisoning

Murray Hip Surgery Risk

This doesn't sound good.  If he doesn't need the money he might consider just retiring for good and enjoying his health.  I know it's hard to take when you are used to being a star but there is more than just winning or competing.  This particular risk of blood poisoning is a serious concern.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Tilden: His Personal Collection Surfaces


Though his personal life overshadowed his tennis career he was still a remarkable player so rather than removing him from tennis history just include the asterisk by his name as to why he has been intentionally forgotten.

Tennis Patience: Managing your mind - slow pokes

Why your brain hates slowpokes
Here is an article on the subject.

I came across this article online relating to our biological dislike of slow pokes and it seems to me that it applies to tennis players. I remember myself living in a world where speed was everything on the court and now know better. Back then it was net skimmers at top speed aiming for lines and I got the result I asked for which was a very inconsistent game. Some days I was hot and other days I could beat anyone. That was 50 years ago. Considering that problem, I trained myself first when young and later students to develop the ability to hit upwards of 100 shots in a row between two players as part of their forced discipline of learning concentration and patience. Of course we start at lower numbers but that is a goal. Power arrives naturally over time with this approach as part of the overall goal of becoming stingy on giving out points to your opponent. Repetitive drills can be useful in that regard.

Once you realize that you have have biology working against you in certain ways you can also then find a way to subvert it.  How does this apply to tennis.  In particular it is important that you learn to develop the reliable patience of a tennis player like Medvedev who drives other players crazy with his precision and perfect shot selection.  Move to the other end of the spectrum and you have Kygrios with a brilliant game and unlimited skills but no mental discipline to make his skills work for him.

Specifically, I suggest that you make patience part of your training when it comes to drills and in between points.  Make a mental effort not to be rushed to get to the end of the point and onto the next one.  Of course if you ever reach the stage where you have a clock on your with umpires you'll have to avoid the long dribbling before serving but beyond that learn to be focused on staying strategic in all of your play.

Drills:  do ball count drills for hitting with partners and see if you can combined reach 100 shots without error.  Eventually if you can do this to a specific location on the court you've achieved a high level of precision.  Then move up to varied drills that require cross court and down the line at whatever speed it takes to maintain reliability.  Rather than going for speed and hoping that reliability will arrive come in from the other direction and slowly build up your ability to hit out with the same level of consistency you had at a lower speed.

These are just ideas but as a coach and player I can remember myself losing because I was impatient with another player's pace.  Unless you can overcome that player with your placement or shot selection it then becomes important for you to become more patient than they are even if it means going against your game.  Think of that as another form of training so you can expand your boundaries of skill.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Diet: Western Diet

How the Western diet had derailed our evolution

Eating high fiber food closer to its original form is a good way to combat the risks to your health.

Monday, October 21, 2019

News: Nadal to #1 in November, White House Tennis, Rolex signs Andreescu, Tennis Prize Money Fight Looming

Rafa back to #1

Great News for Tennis - White House Takes Notice
White House Begins Construction of New Tennis Pavilion 

Private Donations Funding Pavilion

Andreescu signs with Rolex

Prize Money Fight Looming at Grand Slams

Medvedev - the new master of shot selection

He now admits that he has learned to play smart. His opponents say that he gives them nothing to work with and commits few errors.  It sounds as if he's arrived and will be the next entry into the dominant four to lock out most other competitors.

Daniil Medvedev - the rise and rise

Book Recommendation: Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin

I highly recommend this book for anyone hoping to improve their performance in any realm.

Reading through this book I agree with the author and the conclusions ring true while his analysis of what is important for success is observable.  This book is research based and is an excellent perspective for helping students and athletes understand how to achieve a high level of performance.  Success often comes down to hard work and focused practiced or what he calls deliberate practice.  Many great coaches know that to raise the game of a player it can often be helpful to pick a specific skill and then break down that skill into motions or very specific elements and practice and refine those while adjusting with feedback on performance.

If you want to learn a sport like tennis then the concepts found in this book can add a very useful perspective for improving performance.

This book should be on the shelf of any coach.

Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin

***** Five Stars

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Diet: Chicken Production Questions for your health

$5 Chicken at Costco

So the question is how does this work in terms of healthy food.  Can you find better quality?   It's so hard to determine when it comes to this kind of product though I have noticed that organic chicken does seem to taste better without all of the added ingredients that go with Rotisserie Chicken.

As for taste, I've tried the Rotisserie Chicken at various food stores and yes it is wonderful, but is it wonderful for you.  I'd probably limit my intake and save it for those nights you choose carry out for dinner.

It's always best to prepare your own for cost and health, generally.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Path to Expertise

Hopkins Study shows you a new approach to learning and mastery

This mirrors some of the ideas written on how learning by deliberate practice as outlined in the book Talent is Overrated by Geoff Colvin.

Use this approach to get yourself to the next level.  I suggest reading Colvin's book if you want to become an expert in any field and to make yourself an exceptional performer.  If you choose to accomplish this on the tennis court then you have an advantage of a large talent pool of coaches and teaching knowledge to get you there as well.  You have to do your part though.

4 Day Work Week - an Improvement

4 Days a week

To me this is an improvement.  Most people need a few extra hours each day to decompress from the daily grind and waste it at a bar or in front of a TV.  Why not just add a few extra hours to your day and come home exhausted enough to just rest and relax.  If this buys you an extra day of freedom each week I see it as a great tradeoff. 

Choose wisely what you'll do on your free days and I suggest finding some time for tennis somewhere in there.  If you have some other physical activity then do that but consider that tennis players tend to have better health and can stay active in their sport much longer than most.  It's also a social sport so you can balance your life out in more ways than a physical activity.

Choose Tennis

Friday, October 11, 2019

Courier: Making Tennis Better for Everyone


Sustainable Tennis Balls - Wilson new Technology

This is about time.  I've been wondering when they'd get around to improving tennis balls like they have rackets, shoes, and clothing.

It was so wasteful in so many ways.  The price on these may be justified if you get to use them longer without replacement so in this rare case of so called improvements it could be a WIN! WIN!

We'll see.  In the meantime at least they're trying.

Wilson Trinity Ball

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Health, Stress, and Anxiety: 1 in 5 Nervous, Young are quitting jobs, Obesity,

1 in 5 in USA Nervous and ill with anxiety

Politics probably make this number as high as it is but also the drudgery of working jobs you don't like.

Young People quitting jobs



Limit what you eat in terms of bad food and quantity.  Drink more water.   Exercise - I suggest tennis.  Find work you like and can tolerate for the long term.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Andres Gimeno R.I.P.

Andres Gimeno  dies at 82.

French Open Winner

Life Lessons from Tennis: On the Court

Life lessons learned on the tennis court

The first order of business is to learn to enjoy the game so as a coach you should follow the path of least resistance to making students comfortable and criticism is not an ideal approach.

Make it fun for youngsters and adults alike.

Find ways to get students to look forward to another class both for their benefit and yours if you're the coach.

Life is Precious: Young Sports Journalist dies at 23

Carolina Lewis passes at age 23 - RIP

This sad story is another reminder to take every moment you have as precious and be thankful.  Condolences to her family for losing someone so young and full of hope is very difficult.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Health: Owning a dog increases lifespan, Vegetables, Space Meat

Dog Owners Live Longer

Combine the exercise you get from walking a dog to the companionship that comes with having a dog live with you and it's a great way to stay happy.

1 in 4 have never eaten vegetables

This can't be good.  Make sure you're not one of these people.

First meat grown in space lab 248 miles from earth

Soylent Beef or Space Meat or Brave New Hamburger