Sunday, January 22, 2017

Tennis Diet: Low Carb Snacks, Bringing Wheat Back into Your Diet

Tennis players often think they have an unlimited allowance for carb intake since they spend so many hours burning calories.  All you ever hear is pasta, pasta, pasta.

Though this is a great way to intake lots of calories it isn't necessarily the best way to limit inflammation and manage your overall health.  A few weeks of forced rest due to injury and you'll see some love handles and the beginning of a stomach bulge where fat is stored.

Here is a short slideshow of how to control your calorie intake while still satisfying your needs for carbs, protein, and fat.

Bringing Wheat Back Into Your Diet

Some people may have taken the step of not eating wheat due to worries about gluten and excess carbs that might also risk inflammation have taken a source of protein and carbohydrate out of their diets.  One thing you might do it follow some of the advice of people who know more about methods of eating wheat.  The article above is very detailed on the subject.  It seems that the less it is modified and refined and the closer it is to its original state the more likely you'll get the benefits of it.  Stay with organic and whole grain foods that include wheat and you'll experience some of the benefits of a natural diet that include good digestion, moderate sugar intake, high nutrients, and great fiber balance.  What's not to like.